Microsoft 365 - Frequently Asked Questions


Where to find answers to frequently asked questions about Microsoft Office 365?



Here is a collection of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by team about Microsoft Office 365.

Microsoft 365 - General Questions and Answers

What Is Microsoft 365

What Is Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 Personal Subscription Plans

Microsoft 365 Business Subscription Plans

Sign in to Microsoft Office 365

Safari Issues with Microsoft 365

Online Free Apps in Office 365

Use Word Online in Office 365

Use Excel Online in Office 365

Use PowerPoint Online in Office 365

Microsoft Office Portal - My Office Profile

Use Microsoft 365 Business Account on

Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Service

What Is Microsoft OneDrive

Sign in to Microsoft OneDrive Account

Microsoft OneDrive Frozen Account

Create New Files in Microsoft OneDrive

Upload Files to Microsoft OneDrive

Download Files from Microsoft OneDrive

Share Files from Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive for Windows

What Is OneDrive for Windows

Download and Install OneDrive for Windows

Control Screen of OneDrive for Windows

Add Second Account to OneDrive for Windows

OneDrive for Windows Failed to Merge Changes

Managing Word Documents

Edit Word Document Online or Offline

What Is Microsoft Word Online App

Open Word Document with Word Online

Open Word Document with Word Desktop

Word Online Not Support Document with Password

Document Protected View in Word Desktop

Managing Excel Documents

Edit Excel Document Online or Offline

What Is Microsoft Excel Online App

Open Excel Document with Excel Online

Open Excel Document with Excel Desktop

Document Protected View in Excel Desktop

Managing PowerPoint Documents

Edit PowerPoint Document Online or Offline

What Is Microsoft PowerPoint Online App

Open PowerPoint Document with PowerPoint Online

Open PowerPoint Document with PowerPoint Desktop

Document Protected View in PowerPoint Desktop

Microsoft Teams

What Is Microsoft Teams

Joining a Team in Microsoft Teams

Log in to Microsoft Teams in a Browser

Microsoft Teams Not Support on Safari on macOS

Microsoft Teams Admin Center

Install Microsoft Teams macOS computer

Log in to Microsoft Teams Desktop on macOS

Microsoft Teams File Location on macOS

Install Microsoft Teams on Windows 7

Log in to Microsoft Teams Desktop on Windows

Microsoft Teams File Location on Windows 7

Remove Microsoft Teams from Windows 7

Microsoft Teams - Online Meetings

What Is Microsoft Teams Online Meetings

Start an Instant Meeting in Teams

Invite More People to Join a Teams Meeting

Share Screen on Teams Meeting

Schedule Meetings on Teams Meeting

Meeting Invitation Email Sent by Teams

Features Supported on Teams Meeting

Microsoft Audio Conferencing License

Assign Audio Conferencing License to User

Microsoft Teams Meeting Audio Conference Bridges

You don't have permission to create private meetings" Error

Microsoft OneDrive for iPhone

What Is OneDrive for iPhone

Download and Install OneDrive for iPhone

Sign in with OneDrive for iPhone

View Word Document in OneDrive for iPhone

OneDrive for iPhone Failed to View Word Document

View Excel Document in OneDrive for iPhone

View PowerPoint Document in OneDrive for iPhone

Microsoft Word for iPhone

Download and Install Word for iPhone

Get Started with Word for iPhone

Create Word Document on iPhone

Name and Save New Document in Word for iPhone

File Menu Functions in Word for iPhone

Microsoft Excel for iPhone

Download and Install Excel for iPhone

Get Started with Excel for iPhone

Create Excel Document on iPhone

Name and Save New Document in Excel for iPhone

File Menu Functions in Excel for iPhone

Microsoft PowerPoint for iPhone

Download and Install PowerPoint for iPhone

Get Started with PowerPoint for iPhone

Create PowerPoint Document on iPhone

Name and Save New Document in PowerPoint for iPhone

File Menu Functions in PowerPoint for iPhone

Using Office 365 with Safari on iPhone

Sign In to Office 365 with Safari on iPhone

Microsoft 365 for Business Admin

Free Trial with Microsoft 365 Business

Registration Number Required by Microsoft

Login to Microsoft 365 Business Account

View Microsoft Business Account Details

Microsoft Business Account - Admin Center

Microsoft Business Admin Center - Manage User

Microsoft Business Admin Center - Assign License

Microsoft Business Admin Center - List of Tools

What Is Microsoft Security Defaults

Turn Off/On Microsoft Security Defaults

Turn On/off Multi Factor Authentication

Change Multi Factor Authentication Options

What Is Microsoft Authenticator

Using Microsoft Office Tools Offline

Download Office, Word, Excel, ... on Windows

File Locations of Microsoft Office on Windows

Download Office, Word, Excel, ... on Mac

Activate Microsoft Office on Local Computer

Account Info in Microsoft Office Tools

Install Older Version of Microsoft Office on Mac

Run Microsoft Office on Multiple Devices


What Is

Login to with a Browser

Message Actions on

Message Header Details on

Redirect from Webmail to

Add Office 365 Account on iPhone

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Microsoft 365 - General Questions and Answers

2021-03-20, 27574🔥, 1💬