What Version of Outlook Am I Using?


How do I tell what version of Outlook my computer is using?

✍: FYIcenter.com


You can determine the version number of Outlook on your computer in a number of ways:

1. On Windows system, go to "Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features". You can tell the Outlook version number by looking at names of installed programs:

Microsoft Office 365 ...  > Outlook 2015 (Version 16.0)
Microsoft Office ... 2013 > Outlook 2013 (Version 15.0)
Microsoft Office ... 2010 > Outlook 2010 (Version 14.0)

2. On Windows system, search for "Outlook" application program. You can tell the Outlook version number by looking at names of installed programs:

Outlook 2016           > Outlook 2016 (Version 16.0)
Outlook 2013           > Outlook 2013 (Version 15.0)
Microsoft Outlook 2010 > Outlook 2010 (Version 14.0)

3. Run Outlook, and following instruction below to determine the version number:

  • Outlook 2016 - Click on "File > Office Account > About Outlook" menu.
  • Outlook 2013 - Click on "File > Account > About Outlook" menu.
  • Outlook 2010 - Click on "File > Help" menu.
  • Outlook 2007 - Click on "Microsoft Office" button, then click "Outlook Options > Resources > "about Microsoft Office Outlook".
  • Outlook 2003 - Click on "Help > About Microsoft Office Outlook" menu.


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2017-06-07, 6547🔥, 0💬