Download and Install OneDrive for Windows


How to download and install OneDrive for Windows?



You can follow this tutorial to download and install OneDrive for Windows.

1. Go to OneDrive for Windows download website.

2. Click "Download" to download the "OneDriveSetup.exe" file and save it in \fyicenter folder.

3. Double-click on \fyicenter\OneDriveSetup.exe to start the installation process. You see the set up screen after the installation.

4. Enter your Microsoft account name and password. You see a default OneDrive folder setting of \users\fyicenter\OneDrive.

5. Take the default setting and click "Next" to finish the setup.

The picture below shows you how to download and install OneDrive for Windows:

Download and Install OneDrive for Windows
Download and Install OneDrive for Windows


Control Screen of OneDrive for Windows

What Is OneDrive for Windows

Microsoft OneDrive for Windows

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