Sign in to Microsoft OneDrive Account


How to sign in to Microsoft OneDrive account? I have a Skype account from Microsoft.



If you are using other Microsoft cloud services like Hotmail or Skype, you can follow this tutorial to login to your Microsoft OneDrive. A single Microsoft account can access all Microsoft cloud services.

1. Open a Web browser, and go to

2. Click "Sign in" near the top right corner. You see the sign in screen.

3. Enter your Skype account name, or Hotmail address, and click "Next". You see the password screen.

4. Enter your password, select "Keep me signed in", and click "Sign in". You see the OneDrive home page.

The picture below shows you how to sign in to Microsoft OneDrive account.

Sign in to Microsoft OneDrive Account
Sign in to Microsoft OneDrive Account


Microsoft OneDrive Frozen Account

What Is Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Service

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