What Is Form Tools Module


What Is Form Tools Module?

✍: FYIcenter.com


A Form Tools Module is a separately managed source code that controls a group of related functionalities.

Currently, Form Tools supports the following modules:

Arbitrary Settings - This simple module adds a section to the bottom of the Settings -> Main tab containing whatever additional settings you want. These settings can be accessed and used outside of Form Tools through custom PHP calls.

Client Audit - This module keeps a paper trail of changes to all client accounts, from the moment they are created until they are deleted. It tracks all logins, logout, permission changes and account updates, which can helpful for security auditing purposes. It also provides a simple UI to browse all changes.

Core Field Types - This module contains all the default field types available for your forms: input fields, textareas, radios, checkboxes, dropdowns, multi-select dropdowns, phone number fields, dates, times, and code/markup fields.

Custom Fields - This module lets you construct your own field types for use in your forms. Need to add some settings to an existing field type? A new validation rule? A totally new field type? This is the place!

Data Visualization - Visualize your form submission data through pie, column, bar, line and area charts.

Database Integrity - This module checks the integrity of your Form Tools database. Any compatible modules share information with this module to let it know the proper structure of the database tables and fields.

Export Manager - This module controls the ways in which your form submission data may be viewed and downloaded in bulk. Excel, Printer-friendly HTML, XML and CSV formats are included by default but you can create and customize the data to be exported in whatever format you need.

Extended Client Fields - This module lets you create additional fields for client accounts.

Facebook Forms - Create forms to post on Facebook. Quick and easy!

File Upload Field - This module provides a simple file upload field for use in your Form Tools fields.

Form Backup - This module lets you backup an entire form, including individual components like Views, email templates and submission data. It's also handy for making copies of forms.

Form Builder - Automatically publish any forms directly onto your website. No programming knowledge needed!

Google Maps Field - This module lets you choose a Google Maps field type to let you visualize an address on a map.

Hooks Manager - This module gives programmers unprecedented control to attach their own functionality to the Form Tools code. It lets you execute your own code at any particular event like form or submission updates, email submission etc. as well as display your own content in the Form Tools UI.

IP Security Check - This module adds an additional security layer to Form Tools user accounts, letting you maintain a whitelist or blacklist of IP addresses to prevent unwanted logins.

Javascript Error Logs - This module tracks all javascript errors and logs them in a database table for easy browsing. This is handy for alpha/beta releases and to help locate problems with your Form Tools installation.

Pages - The Pages module lets you define your own custom Pages to link to from within the Form Tools UI.

Report Builder - This module provides an alternative way to view the data stored in your forms. It creates pages that list all available Views, along with the various all export options - in convenient table format. That is often a more preferable way to show the available ways to download and view the submission data.

Submission Accounts - This module converts a form submission into a simple user account, letting the individual who submitted the form log in to edit their values.

Submission History - Keeps a log of all changes made to form submissions, provides a panel on the administrator's Edit Submission page to browse the changes, and provides options to restore older versions and undelete submissions.

Submission ID Manager - This module provides advanced controls for form submission IDs: resetting or changing the submission ID number.

Submission Pre-Parser - This module is for PHP programmers who'd like to examine the incoming data prior to adding to the database. It lets you add custom PHP to do things such as filtering out or tweaking invalid form values, redirect to alternate pages, combine form fields or to prevent the submission from being added.

Swift Mailer - This module lets you use Swift Mailer (which uses SMTP) to send Form Tools email notifications, overriding the default mail() functionality.

System Check - This module offers various tests to analyze and repair your Form Tools installation.

Text Override - This module lets you override virtually any string that appears in the Form Tools UI, allowing you to customize the text content of the program while preserving compatibility with upgrading.

TinyMCE Field - This module lets you choose a TinyMCE rich-text editor for any of your form fields.

There are 8 modules that provides key functionalities to Form Tools, so they are included in the Core distribution package: Data Visualization, Export Manager, File Upload, Form Builder, Pages, Swift Mailer, System Check, TinyMCE Field. You don't need to download and install them separately.

Other modules need to be downloaded and installed manually from Form Tools module Website at modules.formtools.org.


⇒ Data Visualization Module

⇐ Understanding Form Tools Modules

⇑ Understanding Form Tools Modules

⇑⇑ Form Tools - Frequently Asked Questions

2022-01-18, 1259🔥, 1💬