Convert Microsoft Word Documents into Web Pages


How to convert a Word document into a Web page? I have a nice Word document and want to publish it on my Website. Can I convert my word document into a Web page?



Yes, you can easily convert a Word document into Web page with Word in 4 steps:

1. Open your word document (extension .docx) in Word.

2. Click the File menu, then click Save As menu item. You will see the "Save As" box showing up.

3. In the "Save as type:" field, select "Web Page (*.htm; *.html)" option from the dropdown list.

4. Click the Save button. A Web page will be created with the HTML file named as file_name.htm and other supporting files stored in a sub-folder named as file_name_files.

If you open the HTML file in Firefox, the document content will be displayed as a Web page nicely in the browser.


Web Page Supporting Files Generated by Word

Convert to Microsoft Word to Other Document Types

Converting Microsoft Word to/from Other Format

⇑⇑ MS Word - Frequently Asked Questions

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