Create DITA Concept Topic Document


How to create a DITA Concept Topic document with FrameMaker?



A DITA Concept Topic Document is more objective, containing definitions, rules, and guidelines for a single concept.

You can follow this tutorial to create a DITA Concept Topic document with FrameMaker.

1. Start FrameMaker.

2. Click "File > New > XML" menu. You see "New XML" screen.

3. Select "DITA > Concept" and click "OK". You see a blank template DITA Task document displayed.

4. Click on the "XML View" icon in the menu bar and next to the search icon. You see the XML elements of the DITA Concept document.

5. Enter more details to complete the Concept document as shown below:

<concept id="id17BC80720NA">
    <title>What Is DITA</title>
    <shortdesc>Description of DITA 
   (Darwin Information Typing Architecture)</shortdesc>
        <p>DITA is an XML data model for authoring and publishing. It is 
an open standard that is defined and maintained by the OASIS DITA 
Technical Committee.</p>

6. Click "File > Save As" to save the document to DITA-Topic-Concept-Example.xml in "XML (*.xml)" format.

The picture below shows you how to create a new DITA Concept document in FrameMaker:
Create DITA Concept Document in FrameMaker


Create DITA Reference Topic Document

Create DITA Task Topic Document

Edit DITA Files with FrameMaker

⇑⇑ FrameMaker Tutorials

2017-12-04, 1372🔥, 0💬