Join Skype for Business Meetings on iPhone


How to join a Skype for Business meeting on iPhone? I have the meeting invite in my Microsoft Exchange calendar



You can follow this tutorial to join a Skype for Business meeting on iPhone:

1. Start Skype for Business and sign in.

2. Tap on the calendar icon near the top of the screen. You see a list of upcoming meeting invites.

3. Tap on the Join button to dial in to the meeting. Depending on your settings, one of the following happens:

Connecting in Directly - You’ll be connected to audio or video using VoIP either by using Wi-Fi (if you connected to a Wi-Fi network), or your cellular data plan.

Microsoft Server Calls Back - Microsoft Skype for Business server calls you on your mobile phone and you’ll accept the Skype for Business call to join the meeting. This happens only when the voice and video call options (on the Skype for Business Options page) are set to On and your device isn’t connected to a Wi-Fi network.

4. Finish the meeting.

The picture below shows you how to join "Skype for Business" meeting on iPhone:

Join Skype for Business Meeting on iPhone
Join Skype for Business Meeting on iPhone


Join Skype for Business Meeting from Calendar on iPhone

Video Call with Skype for Business on iPhone

Skype for Business on iPhone

⇑⇑ Skype - Frequently Asked Questions

2017-08-25, 1454🔥, 0💬