IM Chat with Skype for Business on iPhone


How to do IM (Instant Messaging) chat in Skype for Business on iPhone?



You can follow this tutorial to do IM (Instant Messaging) chat with Skype for Business on iPhone:

1. Start Skype for Business and sign in. You see a list of chatting sessions that you had with colleague from your work place.

2. Tap on one chatting session. You see detailed IM (Instant Messaging) conversations, audio and video calls you had this single colleague.

3. Or enter a name "search for contact" field to search for a contact.

4. Swipe up and down to view the chatting history.

5. Enter a short text message in the "Type a message here" area near the bottom of the screen.

6. Tap on the send icon to send the message out.

The picture below shows you how to use IM chat with "Skype for Business" on iPhone:

IM Chat with Skype for Business on iPhone
IM Chat with Skype for Business on iPhone

By the way, Skype for Business allows you to chat with anyone who has Skype for Business account, including colleagues from your work place, and anyone from other organizations


Audio Call with Skype for Business on iPhone

Sign In to Skype for Business on iPhone

Skype for Business on iPhone

⇑⇑ Skype - Frequently Asked Questions

2017-09-12, 3107🔥, 0💬