SFTP Log File Entries in FileZilla FTP Client


How to read SFTP log file entries in FileZilla FTP Client? I am connecting to a SFTP server.

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you are connecting to a SFTP server, your log file entries in FileZilla FTP Client will be different than FTP server connections.

Below is a good example of SFTP log file entries:

... Status: Connecting to ftp.somebody.com...
... Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=7
        (fzSftp module is used for SFTP connection)

... Command: open "username@ftp.somebody.com" 22
        (Connecting to port the default SFTP port 22)
... Command: Pass: ********
... Status: Connected to ftp.somebody.com

... Status: Retrieving directory listing...
... Command: pwd
... Response: Current directory is: "/"
        (Print the working directory name)

... Command: ls
... Status: Listing directory /
... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful
        (Retrieve the directory listing)

... Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/docs"...
... Command: cd "docs"
... Response: New directory is: "/docs"
        (Change to a sub directory)

... Command: ls
... Status: Listing directory /docs
... Status: Directory listing of "/docs" successful
        (Retrieve the directory listing)

... Status: Starting download of /docs/GettingStarted.pdf
... Command: get "GettingStarted.pdf" "C:\temp\GettingStarted.pdf"
... Command: remote:/docs/GettingStarted.pdf => 
        (Download a file)

... Error: File transfer aborted by user after transferring 360,448 bytes in 16 seconds
        (I paused the file transfer process)


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2016-11-11, 1831🔥, 0💬