Running Fitbit Connect to Create new Account


How to run Fitbit Connect for the first time and create a new account on Fitbit server? I have Fitbit Connect installed on my Windows computer.



If you have Fitbit Connect installed on your Windows computer, you can follow these steps to run it and create an account on Fitbit server.

1. Click on "Start > All programs > Fitbit Connect > Fitbit Connect". You will see the startup screen of Fitbit Connect as shown below:

Fitbit Connect Start Screen
Fitbit Connect Start Screen

2. Click on "Set Up a New Fitbit Device". You will see the new or existing user screen as shown below:

Fitbit New or Existing User Screen
Fitbit New or Existing User Screen

3. Enter your email address and select new password.

4. Check the "I Agree to the Fitbit..." statement.

5. Click "Sign Up" to create a new account on Fitbit. Fill in your profile information and submit to Fitbit server. You will receive an email to verify your email address.

6. Click the "VERIFY YOUR EMAIL" in the email from Fitbit You will a "Thank you! Your email address has been verified." page.

Now you have an account on Fitbit server.


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2021-02-01, 4939🔥, 1💬