Ctrl-F9 - Insert Field Code Manually in Microsoft Word


How to insert a dynamic field code manually in Microsoft Word? I know how the field code works.

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to insert a dynamic field code manually in Microsoft Word, you can follow these steps below:

1. Go to the location where you want to insert the dynamic field. For example, go to beginning of the document to insert {TOC} for table of content; or go to the footer to insert {PAGE} for page number.

2. Press Alt-F9 to view field code.

3. Press Ctrl-F9 to insert an empty field. You see { } showing up.

4. Enter the field code directly like {STYLEREF "Heading 2"}.

5. Right-click the field display value. And select "Update Field" from the popup menu.

6. Press Alt-F9 to view field value. You should see the text that uses the "Heading 2" style showing up.

Insert Dynamic Field Manually in Microsoft Word
Insert Dynamic Field Manually in Microsoft Word


STYLEREF Error 'No text of specified style' in Microsoft Word

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