Installing Fitbit Connect on Windows


How to download and install Fitbit Connect on my Windows computer? I need it to sync my Fitbit device.



To sync data from Fitbit device to a Windows computer, you need to download and install Fitbit Connect application:

1. Go to

2. Scroll down to the "Don't have a mobile device available?" section.

3. Click on "Download For Windows".

4. Save the download file, FitbitConnect_Win_20151028_2.0.1.6742.exe, to desktop.

5. Run the download file and follow installation instructions to finish.

Below is a picture of Fitbit Connect installation screen.

Fitbit Connect Installation on Windows
Fitbit Connect Installation on Windows


Running Fitbit Connect to Create new Account

What Is Needed to Sync Fitbit with Windows

Fitbit Charge Device

⇑⇑ Fitbit - Frequently Asked Questions

2016-02-24, 2860🔥, 0💬