Download and Install WinZip 21.0 on Windows


How to download and install WinZip 21.0 evaluation version on Windows?



If you want to download and install WinZip 21.0 evaluation version, you can follow the steps below:

1. Go to home page.

2. Click the "TRY IT FREE" button. You see download popup windows showing up.

3. Save the downloaded file to C:\fyicenter\winzip21-home.exe. The file size should be 1,528,456 bytes.

4. Double-click on winzip21-home.exe. You see the WinZip installation screen showing up.

5. Click "Next" to start the installation process.

6. Read and follow instructions given by the installation process. Click the appropriate button to accept the terms and avoid getting additional promotional software and services.

7. Click the "Finish" button at the end.

WinZip 21.0 should be installed on your computer now.

WinZip 21.0 Shareware Installation Screens
WinZip 21.0 Shareware Installation Screens


Run WinZip 21.0 as Evaluation Version on Windows

WinZip - A Shareware ZIP File Tool

WinZip - A Shareware ZIP File Tool

⇑⇑ ZIP - Frequently Asked Questions

2018-10-15, 3801🔥, 0💬