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Find/Replace in Footers in Microsoft Word
How to find and replace some text in footers of all pages in Microsoft Word? I am tired of open each footer and change it one by one.
If you want to find and replace some text in footers of all pages in Microsoft Word document, you can follow these steps:
1. Go to the beginning of the document.
2. Click "Home" and select "Replace" at the end of the menu ribbon, or press Ctrl-H. You will see the Find and Replace dialog box.
3. Enter the Find text and Replace text.
4. Click the "Go to" tab and select "Footnote".
5. Click the "Replace" tab and click the "Find Next" button. You will see a new footer area showing up at the bottom of the screen. The matching "find" text will be highlighted.
6. Click the "Replace" button. You will see the next matching "find" text highlighted.
7. Repeat Step 6, until no more matches.
Note that the "Replace all" button will not work.
⇒ Using Styles in Microsoft Word
⇐ Remove All Headers and Footers in Microsoft Word
2016-06-03, 3336🔥, 0💬
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