List of SVG Elements


What elements are supports in a SVG documents?



A SVG version 1.1 document supports the following elements:

  • <a .../> - The "a" element provides an clickable anchor on the SVG image. It makes image objects generated from its sub-elements clickable.
  • <altGlyphDef .../> - The ‘altGlyphDef’ element defines a set of possible glyph substitutions.
  • <animate .../> - The "animate" element provides a way to animate an attribute of its parent element over time.
  • <animateMotion .../> - The "animateMotion" element provides a way to define how the parent element moves along a motion path.
  • <animateTransform .../> - The "animateTransform" element animates a transformation attribute on the parent element, thereby allowing animations to control translation, scaling, rotation, and/or skewing.
  • <circle .../> - The "circle" element draws a circle object based on a center point and a radius.
  • <clipPath .../> - The "clipPath" element defines a clipping path.
  • <color-profile .../> - The "color-profile" element describes the color profile used for the image.
  • <cursor .../> - The "cursor" element defines a platform-independent custom cursor.
  • <defs .../> - The "defs" element defines an image object that will be used later with "use" elements.
  • <desc .../> - The "desc" element provides a description text to the parent element.
  • <discard .../> - The "discard" element discards the parent element after a given time period.
  • <ellipse .../> - The "ellipse" element draws an ellipse based on a center, x radius and y radius.
  • <feBlend .../> - The "feBlend" element defines a filter that composes two objects together ruled by a given blending mode.
  • <feColorMatrix .../> - The "feColorMatrix" element defines a filter that changes colors based on a given transformation matrix.
  • <feComponentTransfer .../> - The "feComponentTransfer" element defines a filter that performs color-component-wise remapping of data for each pixel.
  • <feComposite .../> - The "feComposite" element defines a filter that performs the combination of two input images pixel-wise in image space using one of the Porter-Duff compositing operations
  • <feConvolveMatrix .../> - The "feConvolveMatrix" element defines a filter that applies a matrix convolution filter effect.
  • <feDiffuseLighting .../> - The "feDiffuseLighting" element defines a filter that lights an image using the alpha channel as a bump map.
  • <feDisplacementMap .../> - The "feDisplacementMap" element defines a filter that uses the pixel values from one image to displace the another image.
  • <feDistantLight .../> - The "feDistantLight" element defines a filter that a distant light source that can be used within a lighting filter.
  • <feDropShadow .../> - The "feDropShadow" element defines a filter that creates a drop shadow of the input image.
  • <feFlood .../> - The "feFlood" element defines a filter that fills the filter subregion with given color and opacity.
  • <feFuncA .../> - The "feFuncA" element defines a filter that defines the transfer function for the Alpha component of an image.
  • <feFuncB .../> - The "feFuncB" element defines a filter that defines the transfer function for the Blue component of an image.
  • <feFuncG .../> - The "feFuncG" element defines a filter that defines the transfer function for the Green component of an image.
  • <feFuncR .../> - The "feFuncR" element defines a filter that defines the transfer function for the Red component of an image.
  • <feGaussianBlur .../> - The "feGaussianBlur" element defines a filter that blurs the input image by the bell-curve of a given standard deviation.
  • <feImage .../> - The "feImage" element defines a filter that fetches image data from an external source.
  • <feMerge .../> - The "feMerge" element defines a filter that merges two filters.
  • <feMergeNode .../> - The "feMergeNode" element provides a sub-filter to the parent "feMerge" filter.
  • <feMorphology .../> - The "feMorphology" element defines a filter that erodes or dilates the input image.
  • <feOffset .../> - The "feOffset" element defines a filter that offsets the input image.
  • <fePointLight .../> - The "fePointLight" element defines a filter that defines a light source which allows to create a point light effect.
  • <feSpecularLighting .../> - The "feSpecularLighting" element defines a filter that lights an image using the alpha channel as a bump map.
  • <feSpotLight .../> - The "feSpotLight" element defines a filter that defines a light source that can be used to create a spotlight effect.
  • <feTile .../> - The "feTile" element defines a filter that fills a target rectangle with a repeated, tiled pattern of an input image.
  • <feTurbulence .../> - The "feTurbulence" element defines a filter that creates an image using the Perlin turbulence function.
  • <filter .../> - The "filter" element defines a custom filter effect by grouping atomic filter primitives.
  • <font .../> - The "font" element defines an SVG font. It must have a "font-face" child element which describes various characteristics of the font.
  • <font-face .../> - The "font-face" element describes various characteristics of a SVG font. It is included in a "font" element as a sub-element.
  • <foreignObject .../> - The "foreignObject" element includes a foreign element another XML schema like XHTML.
  • <g .../> - The "g" element acts as a container used to group other SVG elements.
  • <hatch .../> - The "hatch" element fills or strokes an object using one or more pre-defined paths that are repeated at fixed intervals in a specified direction.
  • <hatchpath .../> - The "hatchpath" element defines a hatch path used by the "hatch" element.
  • <image .../> - The "image" element draws an image provided by a given external resource.
  • <line .../> - The "line" element draws a line connecting two points.
  • <linearGradient .../> - The "linearGradient" element defines linear gradients that can be applied to fill or stroke of graphical elements.
  • <marker .../> - The "marker" element defines the graphic that is to be used for drawing arrowheads or polymarkers on a given "path", "line", "polyline" or "polygon" element.
  • <mask .../> - The "mask" element defines an alpha mask for compositing the current object into the background.
  • <metadata .../> - The "metadata" element adds metadata to SVG content.
  • <mpath .../> - The "mpath" element provides the ability to reference an external "path" element for the parent "animateMotion" element.
  • <path .../> - The "path" element draws the generic image object.
  • <pattern .../> - The "pattern" element draws a graphics object which can be redrawn at repeated x- and y-coordinate intervals ("tiled") to cover an area.
  • <polygon .../> - The "polygon" element draws a closed shape consisting of a set of connected straight line segments.
  • <polyline .../> - The "polyline" element draws a polyline connecting several points.
  • <radialGradient .../> - The "radialGradient" element defines radial gradients that can be applied to fill or stroke of graphical elements.
  • <rect .../> - The "rect" element draws a rectangle.
  • <script .../> - The "script" element adds JavaScript code to interact with the SVG DOM interface.
  • <set .../> - The "set" element sets the value of an attribute for a specified duration.
  • <stop .../> - The "stop" element defines a color and its position to use on a gradient.
  • <solidcolor .../> - The "solidcolor" element defines a single color for use in multiple places in an SVG document.
  • <style .../> - The "style" element adds CSS code alter SVG image object attributes.
  • <svg .../> - The "svg" element provides a drawing canvas for its sub-elements. The root element of SVG document must be "svg" element.
  • <switch .../> - The "switch" element evaluates any requiredFeatures, requiredExtensions and systemLanguage attributes on its direct child elements in order.
  • <symbol .../> - The "symbol" element defines a graphical template object which can be instantiated by a "use" element.
  • <text .../> - The "text" element draws an image representing a given text.
  • <textPath .../> - The "textPath" element draws text along the shape of a "path" element.
  • <title .../> - The "title" element provides an accessible, short-text description of the parent element.
  • <tspan .../> - The "tspan" element defines a subtext within a "text" element for adjustment of the style.
  • <use .../> - The "use" element takes nodes from within the SVG document, and duplicates them somewhere else.
  • <view .../> - The "view" element defines a way to view the image, like a zoom level or a detail view.


List of SVG Resources

Use SVG Images in IFRAME Tags

Introduction to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

⇑⇑ SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

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