Find and Read Log File on FileZilla Server


How to find and read log file in FileZilla Server? I have logging turned on already.



For FileZilla Server on Windows computer, log files are located in the "C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server\Logs" folder.

If the log file setting is one log file per day, you can open the log file of a given day like, fzs-2016-10-30.log. The log file entries are easy to read. The example below shows you some log file entries and explanations:

... - (not logged in) (::1)> Connected on port 8090, sending welcome message...
... - (not logged in) (::1)> 220-FileZilla Server 0.9.59 beta
... - (not logged in) (::1)> 220-written by Tim Kosse (
... - (not logged in) (::1)> 220 Please visit

... - (not logged in) (::1)> AUTH TLS
... - (not logged in) (::1)> 502 Explicit TLS authentication not allowed
        (Tells the client that TLS is not supported)

... - (not logged in) (::1)> AUTH SSL
... - (not logged in) (::1)> 502 Explicit TLS authentication not allowed
        (Tells the client that TLS is not supported)

... - (not logged in) (::1)> USER jack
... - (not logged in) (::1)> 331 Password required for jack
... - (not logged in) (::1)> PASS ****
... - jack (::1)> 230 Logged on
        (Username and password are valid)

... - jack (::1)> CWD /
... - jack (::1)> 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory.
        (Change current directory as requested)

... - jack (::1)> PWD
... - jack (::1)> 257 "/" is current directory.
        (Send the current directory name to the client)

... - jack (::1)> TYPE I
... - jack (::1)> 200 Type set to I
        (Change file transfer to binary mode as requested)

... - jack (::1)> EPSV
... - jack (::1)> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||9006|)
        (Start to listen on port 9006 for data connection)

... - jack (::1)> MLSD
... - jack (::1)> 150 Opening data channel for directory listing of "/"
... - jack (::1)> 226 Successfully transferred "/"
        (Deliver directory listing on the data connection)



Restrict Passive Mode Ports on FileZilla Server

Setup Log File on FileZilla Server

Managing FileZilla Server

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2021-12-17, 6824🔥, 1💬