Add Anchor Point to Bézier Curve


How to add anchor points to a Bézier Curve in OpenOffice?



If you want to introduce a new turn on a Bézier Curve, you can insert an anchor point as shown in this tutorial.

1. Select the Bézier curve.

2. Click the "Insert Points" icon in the "End Points" toolbar.

2. Press down the mouse on the location on the curve where you want to introduce a new turn.

3. Move the mouse to drag the curve to create a new turn. A new anchor point is inserted to the curve for the new turn.

Insert Anchor Point to Bézier Curve
Insert Anchor Point to Bézier Curve


Edit End Points of Curve Lines

Modify Middle Slopes of Bézier Curve

Using OpenOffice Draw

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2022-04-21, 948🔥, 0💬