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Tahoma Font on Apple Devices
Is Tahoma font supported on iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices? The answer is no. Tahoma font is not supported on Apple devices. See the list of fonts supported from Apple Website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT 5484. So you should avoid using Tahoma font in your Web pages or apps.
2023-07-31, ≈14🔥, 4💬

💬 2023-07-31 Ruben Marques: 1,998.94

💬 2016-06-25 Roy: You can download it from http://www.fontpalace.com/font-detai ls/Tahoma/

💬 2016-05-19 FYIcenter.com: Hi Mike, we don't have an answer to your question. But we will try to find one for you.

(More comments ...)

Best Font Families for Web Pages
What is the best font families to use in Web pages? The best font families to use in your Websites are: style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" for regular text paragraphs. sans-serif is specified as the fallback option. style="font-family: monospace;" for computer source codes. Here is how the abov...
2015-10-30, ∼2672🔥, 2💬

💬 2015-10-30 tom: Agree. Arial, sans-serif.

💬 2015-06-08 claire: Interesting article!!!

Default Style Sheet (CSS) for HTML 4
What is the default style sheet for HTML 4? The default style sheet for HTML 4 is listed as Appendix D of the Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification: html, address, blockquote, body, dd, div, dl, dt, fieldset, form, frame, frameset, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, noframes, ol, p,...
2015-12-09, ∼1934🔥, 0💬

HTML Debugging in Firefox
How to debug HTML source code in Firefox? In the old days, debugging HTML source code issues is not easy. You need to make some changes in the HTML source file, push it to the Web server, and refresh the Web page in the browser to see result of changes. There too many steps and takes too long to com...
2015-05-16, ∼1908🔥, 0💬

Selecting Implicit Paragraphs in CSS
How to select default paragraphs in HTML documents and provide CSS properties?
2015-05-19, ∼1859🔥, 0💬

CSS Box Model for Block Elements
What is the CSS box model for block elements on a Web page? The CSS box model refers to the presentation model used by Web browsers display a block element in a Web page. The CSS box model specifies that each block element, like <p> or <div>, on a Web page should be displayed as a set ...
2015-05-17, ∼1833🔥, 0💬

"display: inline-block" CSS Property
What is "display: inline-block"? How to use it on block elements? "display: inline-block" is a CSS property that changes the current element to be an "inline-block" element. An "inline-block" element will be displayed inline with other sibling elements. But itself will be maintained as a block respe...
2015-05-17, ∼1768🔥, 0💬

Preserve Font Size in Landscape Mode on Phones
How to prevent the font size getting bigger on my Web pages, when viewed from phones in landscape mode? When user switches from portrait to landscape while viewing a Web page, by default iPhone will automatically apply text size adjustment and make it bigger. One option to preserve the font size in ...
2015-05-19, ∼1609🔥, 0💬

"No time format was found on your conf file" Error
Why am I getting the "No time format was found on your conf file" error? GoAccess does not have a default date and time formats for the log file. If you run "goaccess" command with default options, you will get this error: fyicenter$ goaccess access_log -o report.html [SETTING UP STORAGE access_log]...
2023-01-06, ∼1607🔥, 0💬

Best Font Size and Weight for Web Pages
What is the best font size and weight for Web pages? The best font size and weight to use for your Web pages is: 14px, normal: abcdACBD1234 Here is how the above font size and weight looks like comparing to some other settings: 6px, normal: abcdACBD1234 8px, normal: abcdACBD1234 10px, normal: abcdAC...
2015-05-19, ∼1567🔥, 0💬

What Is VISITOR HOSTNAMES AND IPS Panel in GoAccess report? VISITOR HOSTNAMES AND IPS Panel in GoAccess report displays information on the remote hosts themselves. This is great for spotting aggressive crawlers and identifying who's eating your bandwidth. Here is an example of VISITOR HOSTNAMES AND ...
2023-02-19, ∼698🔥, 0💬

What Is UNIQUE VISITORS PER DAY Panel in GoAccess report? UNIQUE VISITORS PER DAY Panel in GoAccess report displays Unique visitors: such as hits, unique visitors and cumulative bandwidth per date. HTTP requests containing the same IP, the same date, and the same user agent are considered a unique v...
2023-02-28, ∼688🔥, 0💬

OPERATING SYSTEMS - Windows or Android
What Is OPERATING SYSTEMS Panel in GoAccess report? OPERATING SYSTEMS Panel in GoAccess report displays which operating system the host used when it hit the server. It attempts to provide the most specific version of each operating system. Here is an example of OPERATING SYSTEMS Panel in GoAccess re...
2023-02-19, ∼682🔥, 0💬

GoAccess - Frequently Asked Questions
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on GoAccess for log file analysis? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team about GoAccess for log file analysis: Installing for GoAccess What Is GoAccess Install GoAccess on Fedora/CentOS View R...
2023-03-07, ∼661🔥, 0💬

Using GoAccess HTML Reports
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on Using GoAccess HTML Reports? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Using GoAccess HTML Reports: What Is GoAccess HTML Report OVERALL ANALYZED REQUESTS - General Statistics UNIQUE VISITOR...
2023-02-28, ∼655🔥, 0💬

Install GoAccess on Fedora/CentOS
How to Install GoAccess on Fedora/CentOS? If you want to Install GoAccess on Fedora/CentOS, you can follow these steps: 1. Install GoAccess with DNF command: fyicenter$ sudo dnf install goaccess ... Installed: GeoIP-1.6.12-7.el8.x86_64 GeoIP-GeoLite-data-2018.06-5.e l8.noarchgoaccess-1.5.6-1.el8.x86...
2023-03-07, ∼647🔥, 0💬

Turn On/Off Report Panels
How to Turn On/Off Panels in GoAccess Reports? There are 2 ways to turn on or turn off display panels in GoAccess Reports: 1. Using "--ignore-panel" options in command line. You can turn off display panels by specifying panel code names in "--ignore-panel" options. For example: --ignore-panel=VISITO...
2022-12-23, ∼611🔥, 0💬

Generate Static HTML Output from Apache Log File
How to Generate Static HTML Output from an Apache Web server log file? If you want to Generate Static HTML Output from an Apache Web server log file, you can follow these steps: 1. Copy a sample log file from the Apache Web server: fyicenter$ sudo cp /var/log/httpd/access_log . 2. Generate an HTML r...
2023-02-28, ∼606🔥, 0💬

What Is GoAccess HTML Report
What Is GoAccess HTML Report? A GoAccess HTML Report is an HTML document generated by GoAccess from Web server log files. A GoAccess HTML Report is divided into the following sections: OVERALL ANALYZED REQUESTS - Displays General Statistics, some of them are: number of valid and invalid requests, ti...
2023-02-28, ∼590🔥, 0💬

What Is GoAccess
What Is GoAccess? GoAccess is a free (MIT Licensed) and open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser. It provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators that require a visual server report on the fl...
2023-03-07, ∼548🔥, 0💬

View Report from Apache Log File
How to View Report from an Apache Web server log file? If you want to View Report from an Apache Web server log file, you can follow these steps: 1. Copy a sample log file from the Apache Web server: fyicenter$ sudo cp /var/log/httpd/access_log . 2. View report with default options: fyicenter$ goacc...
2023-03-07, ∼548🔥, 0💬

REQUESTED FILES - Most Requested Files
What Is REQUESTED FILES Panel in GoAccess report? REQUESTED FILES Panel in GoAccess report displays requested static files, such as: JPG, CSS, SWF, JS, GIF, and PNG file types, along with the same metrics as the last panel. Additional static files can be added to the configuration file. Here is an e...
2023-02-19, ∼523🔥, 0💬

Panel Options in GoAccess Report
How to use Panel Options in GoAccess Report? In GoAccess Report support, each display panel can be customized by changing panel options. Click the "Panel Options" button on top-right corner of the panel, you see the following options: CHART OPTIONS [x] Chart - Checkbox to turn on/off the graphical c...
2023-01-06, ∼523🔥, 0💬

STATIC REQUESTS - Requested Static Files
What Is STATIC REQUESTS Panel in GoAccess report? STATIC REQUESTS Panel in GoAccess report displays the most highly requested (non-static) files on your web server. It shows hits, unique visitors, and percentage, along with the cumulative bandwidth, protocol, and the request method used. Here is an ...
2023-02-19, ∼517🔥, 0💬

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