What Is GoAccess HTML Report


What Is GoAccess HTML Report?

✍: FYIcenter.com


A GoAccess HTML Report is an HTML document generated by GoAccess from Web server log files.

A GoAccess HTML Report is divided into the following sections:

  • OVERALL ANALYZED REQUESTS - Displays General Statistics, some of them are: number of valid and invalid requests, time taken to analyze the data set, unique visitors, requested files, static files (CSS, ICO, JPG, etc) HTTP referrers, 404s, size of the parsed log file and bandwidth con‐ sumption.
  • UNIQUE VISITORS PER DAY - Displays Unique visitors: such as hits, unique visitors and cumulative bandwidth per date. HTTP requests containing the same IP, the same date, and the same user agent are considered a unique visitor. By default, it includes web crawlers/spiders.
  • REQUESTED FILES (URLS) - Displays the most highly requested (non-static) files on your web server. It shows hits, unique visitors, and percentage, along with the cumulative bandwidth, protocol, and the request method used.
  • STATIC REQUESTS - Displays Requested static files, such as: JPG, CSS, SWF, JS, GIF, and PNG file types, along with the same metrics as the last panel. Additional static files can be added to the configuration file.
  • NOT FOUND URLS (404S) - Displays the same metrics as the previous request panels, however, its data contains all pages that were not found on the server, or commonly known as 404 status code.
  • VISITOR HOSTNAMES AND IPS - Detailed information on the remote hosts themselves. This is great for spotting aggressive crawlers and identifying who's eating your bandwidth.
  • OPERATING SYSTEMS - Displays which operating system the host used when it hit the server. It attempts to provide the most specific version of each operating system.
  • BROWSERS - Displays which browser the host used when it hit the server. It attempts to provide the most specific version of each browser.
  • TIME DISTRIBUTION - Displays Time Distribution of Visits as an hourly report. This option displays 24 data points, one for each hour of the day.
  • VIRTUAL HOSTS - Displays all the different virtual hosts parsed from the access log. This panel is displayed if %v is used within the log-format string.
  • REFERRERS URLS - Displays Referrers URLs: If the host in question accessed the site via another resource, or was linked/diverted to you from another host, the URL they were referred from will be provided in this panel.
  • REFERRING SITES - Displays only the host part but not the whole URL. The URL where the request came from.
  • HTTP STATUS CODES - Displays values of the numeric status code to HTTP requests.
  • KEYPHRASES - Displays keyphrases used on Google search, Google cache, and Google translate that have led to your web server. At present, it only supports Google search queries via HTTP
  • GEO LOCATION - Displays Geo Locations of visitors where an IP address is geographically located. Statistics are broken down by continent and country. It needs to be compiled with GeoLocation support.
  • REMOTE USER (HTTP authentication) - Displays userid of the person requesting the document as determined by HTTP authentication.
  • CACHE STATUS - Shows the cache status of the object the server served. This panel is not enabled unless %C is given within the log-format variable.
  • MIME TYPE - Specifies Media Types (formerly known as MIME types) and Media Subtypes which will be assigned and listed underneath. This panel is not enabled unless %M is given within the log-format variable.
  • TLS TYPE - Displays Encryption Settings represent SSL/TLS protocol used along the Cipher Suites. This panel is not enabled unless %K is given within the log-format variable.



Using GoAccess HTML Reports

Using GoAccess HTML Reports

⇑⇑ GoAccess - Frequently Asked Questions

2023-02-28, 495🔥, 0💬