View Report from Apache Log File


How to View Report from an Apache Web server log file?



If you want to View Report from an Apache Web server log file, you can follow these steps:

1. Copy a sample log file from the Apache Web server:

fyicenter$ sudo cp /var/log/httpd/access_log .

2. View report with default options:

fyicenter$ goaccess access_log --log-format=COMBINED

Dashboard - Overall Analyzed Requests (05/Dec/2022 - 07/Dec/2022)                                                               [Active Panel: Visitors] 
  Total Requests  972 Unique Visitors  36 Requested Files 172 Referrers  0                                                                                
  Valid Requests  972 Log Parsing Time 1s Static Files    42  Log Size   228.36 KiB                                                                       
  Failed Requests 0   Excl. IP Hits    0  Not Found       3   Tx. Amount 414.48 MiB                                                                       
  Log Source      access_log                                                                                                                              
 > 1 - Unique visitors per day - Including spiders                                                                                            Total: 3/3  
 Hits     h% Vis.     v% Tx. Amount Data                                                                                                                  
 ---- ------ ---- ------ ---------- ----                                                                                                                  
  310 31.89%   10 27.78% 166.79 MiB 07/Dec/2022 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                                                 
  570 58.64%   17 47.22% 210.53 MiB 06/Dec/2022 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
   92  9.47%    9 25.00%  37.15 MiB 05/Dec/2022 |||||||||||||||||                                                                                        
   7 - Browsers                                                                                                                             Total: 14/14  
 Hits     h% Vis.     v% Tx. Amount Data                                                                                                                  
 ---- ------ ---- ------ ---------- ----                                                                                                                  
  716 73.66%   21 58.33% 369.18 MiB Chrome  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
   96  9.88%    4 11.11%  25.60 MiB Edge    ||||||||||||||                                                                                                
   49  5.04%    0  0.00%    0.0   B Unknown |||||||                                                                                                       
   49  5.04%    2  5.56% 148.59 KiB Safari  |||||||                                                                                                       
   41  4.22%    3  8.33%  19.24 MiB Firefox ||||||                                                                                                        
   14  1.44%    4 11.11% 298.39 KiB Feeds   ||                                                                                                            
    5  0.51%    1  2.78%  14.15 KiB MSIE    |                                                                                         

3. Press DOWN arrow to scroll down.

4. Press "q" quit.


Generate Static HTML Output from Apache Log File

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Installing for GoAccess

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2023-03-07, 449🔥, 0💬