URL:sfb and URL:lync15 Protocols


What are URL:sfb and URL:lync15 Protocols?

✍: FYIcenter.com


URL:sfb and URL:lync15 protocols are special network protocols used by Skype Meeting App to allow you join Skype meeting from a Web browser.

When you use Skype meeting URL like, https://meet.lync.com/xxx/yyy/zzz?sl=1 or https://meet.lync.com/xxx/yyy/zzz, in a Web browser, you will be prompted to confirm to run Skype Meeting App for URL:sfb or URL:lync15 protocol links. "xxx", "yyy" and "zzz" will be your organization name, the meeting organizer ID and the meeting ID.

Click "Open URL:sfb" or "Open URL:lync15 Protocol" to start Skype Meetings App to join the meeting.

The picture below shows you URL:sfb and URL:lync15 Protocols used by Skype Meeting App:

:sfb and URL:lync15 Protocols
:sfb and URL:lync15 Protocols


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Skype Web App on Windows

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2018-03-10, 8504🔥, 0💬