Controlling PowerPoint Output Video Quality


How to control the video quality when saving a PowerPoint slide show as a video?



If you want to control the quality when saving a PowerPoint slide show as a video, you need to the "Export" function, instead of the save as function as described below:

1. Create your presentation in PowerPoint. Remember to add animations, transition effects, audios, background music, etc.

2. Save the presentation.

3. Click File > Export > Create a Video.

4.In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video heading, select the video quality you want, which pertains to the resolution of the finished video. The higher the video quality, the larger the file size:

  • Presentation Quality - 1920 x 1080, largest file size - Computer and HD screens
  • Internet Quality - 1280 x 720, medium file size - Internet and DVD
  • Low Quality - 852 x 480, smallest file size - Portable devices

5. The second drop-down box under the Create a Video heading tells whether your presentation includes narration and timings. (You may switch this setting if you like.)

  • If you haven't recorded timed narration, by default the value is Don't Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.
  • If you have recorded a timed narration, by default the value is Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.

6. Click Create Video. The Save As dialog box opens. In the File name box, enter a file name for the video, and then browse to locate the file. In the Save As type box, choose a supported video file format, and then click Save.

Notes: You can track the progress of the video creation by looking at the status bar at the bottom of your screen. The video creation process can take up to several hours depending on the length of the video and the complexity of the presentation.

For longer videos, you can set it up so that they create overnight. That way, they’ll be ready for you the following morning.

7. To play your newly-created video, go to the designated folder location, and then double-click the file.

PowerPoint Export Video with High Quality
PowerPoint Export Video with High Quality


Programming Macro Code in PowerPoint

Creating Video with PowerPoint Slide Show

Controlling PowerPoint Show Behavior

⇑⇑ MS PowerPoint - Frequently Asked Questions

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