Fill in "Hello World" Form


How to open an empty form and fill in data? I just started to learn how to use Form Tools.



Once a form is created, you can open an empty form, fill in data and submit it to the database.

1. Log in to Form Tools as the administrator.

2. Click "Forms" on the left menu. You should see the "Hello World" form listed.

3. Click the "VIEW" link in "Hello World" line. You should see existing submissions followed by an "Add >>" button.

4. CLick the "Add >>" button. You should see an empty "Hello World" form.

5. Fill in the form any way you want.

6. Click the "Update" button to submit the filled form to the database.

7. Repeat the above steps to submit more data.

Form Tools - Form Submission Page
Form Tools - Form Submission Page


⇒ Search and View Submitted Data

⇐ Create "Hello World" Form

⇑ Creating First Form - Hello Form

⇑⇑ Form Tools - Frequently Asked Questions

2020-01-21, 1387🔥, 0💬