GnuWin - GNU Tools for Windows


What is GnuWin? What tools are included in GnuWin?


GnuWin provides Win32-versions of GNU tools, which includes the following tools:
Tool            Modified           Rank

wget            2008-12-31   1023610236
sed             2010-12-28     26702670
make            2006-11-25     24372437
openssl         2008-12-04     20342034
grep            2009-02-13     12611261
gzip            2007-10-15     12221222
coreutils       2005-04-21     11951195
libiconv        2006-01-29     11231123
tar             2003-10-03       835835
libintl         2005-05-07       756756
bison           2009-05-04       650650
gawk            2008-02-10       622622
diffutils       2004-05-24       606606
zlib            2005-07-25       603603
flex            2004-04-11       546546
bzip2           2008-03-20       491491
patch           2007-05-15       436436
util-linux      2008-09-28       435435
freetype        2008-03-14       407407
regex           2007-11-03       382382
file            2009-05-07       375375
gsl             2006-07-11       372372
pcre            2007-04-03       357357
tiff            2006-03-30       350350
unzip           2005-02-14       333333
libpng          2009-06-04       327327
zip             2008-07-13       307307
jpeg            2005-05-15       227227
libarchive      2008-06-27       200200
gettext         2005-05-07       196196
findutils       2005-04-18       179179
dmidecode       2008-12-03       139139
less            2006-01-03       122122
bc              2005-03-11       104104
cpio            2006-03-09       103103
hex2bin         2003-03-04         9595
hextools        2003-03-04         9292
gperf           2004-11-14         8787
which           2008-08-10         7171
cygutils        2008-09-26         7070
pdcurses        2005-03-13         6868
ntfsprogs       2004-03-15         6767
libgw32c        2004-01-10         6363
glpk            2008-12-04         6060
xpdf            2003-10-14         6060
tree            2009-02-09         5757
autoconf        2008-10-16         5757
m4              2010-05-26         5454
texinfo         2008-10-02         5353
chess           2003-10-25         5353
libxml          2002-06-23         5252
ttf2pt1         2004-01-02         4848
readline        2008-01-02         4646
netpbm          2005-05-12         4646
pngutils        2004-01-26         4444
popt            2003-10-04         4343
unrar           2005-02-20         4242
enscript        2003-07-19         4242
ed              2009-02-01         3939
gd              2005-08-26         3939
mktemp          2009-01-11         3636
lha             2005-11-19         3636
indent          2009-02-15         3434
arc             2005-04-11         3434
a2ps            2008-03-14         3232
nawk            2008-02-09         3232
psutils         2005-11-19         3232
automake        2004-12-19         3232
jwhois          2005-09-09         2626
mscompress      2004-03-14         2626
cpuid           2005-07-31         2525
gsar            2008-02-04         2424
libtool         2008-02-10         2222
plotutils       2004-04-16         2222
sharutils       2004-03-12         2121
jpeg2ps         2005-11-19         1919
libconfig       2005-08-20         1818
barcode         2007-05-09         1616
unrtf           2005-02-12         1616
t1utils         2008-03-24         1515
regex-Spencer   2006-12-19         1515
calc            2005-03-12         1515
xpm             2005-02-14         1515
gcal            2004-11-28         1515
mawk            2005-11-19         1414
hp2xx           2005-05-14         1414
groff           2009-01-10         1313
awka            2005-11-19         1313
arj             2005-11-19         1313
iristools       2004-11-28         1313
deroff          2004-03-24         1313
libxslt         2001-12-23         1313
cproto          2005-04-24         1212
pdflib-lite     2005-08-13         1111
urt             2003-12-27         1111
tre             2008-12-20         1010
sunrpc          2008-08-09           99
filetype        2005-09-10           99
crypt           2002-04-30           99

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