Post Job for Free on LinkedIn


How to post a job for free on LinkedIn?



You can post one job for free on LinkedIn to promote your company. You need pay for $25.00 per day per job to post additional jobs.

Here is how to post a job for your company.

1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account.

2. Click the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

3. Click "Job Posting Account". You see the job posting page.

4. Click "Post a free job" button on right side of the page. You see the job post form.

5. Enter job title, location and other information. And click "Start job post". You see the job description input form.

6. Continue to finish the process. Your job post will be displayed with the "In review" status.

7. Wait for the LinkedIn team to review and publish your job post.

Post Job for Free on LinkedIn
Post Job for Free on LinkedIn


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Posting Jobs on LinkedIn

Posting Jobs on LinkedIn

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