Update/Close Job Post on LinkedIn


How to update or close a job post on LinkedIn?

✍: FYIcenter.com


After your job post is published on LinkedIn, you can update or close it at any time.

1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account.

2. Click the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

3. Click "Job Posting Account". You see a list of your job posts.

4. Find the job you wish to manage and click the "More" icon to the right of the title. You see a popup menu.

5. Click the "Manage Job" icon from the popup menu that appears. You see the job post detail page.

6. Click the "Edit" icon in the "Job description" section to update the job post.

7. Click the "Close job" button near the top right corner to close the job post.

Update or Close Job Post on LinkedIn
Update or Close Job Post on LinkedIn


LinkedIn - Frequently Asked Questions

Job Post Get Paused on LinkedIn

Posting Jobs on LinkedIn

⇑⇑ LinkedIn - Frequently Asked Questions

2023-08-25, 403🔥, 0💬