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Download Links from Library Genesis
What are the links to download publications from Library Genesis?
Once you found a publication on Library Genesis, you have a few links to download the actual publication as shown below.
1. Go to Library Genesis Website at or other mirror sites.
2. Enter some keywords in the input box, for example "LINUX: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide!", to search for the publication.
3. Click the only match in the result to open it. You see detailed information about the publication.
4. Look at the bottom. You see 1 file available for download:
File 1: Size 355 kB. Extension: epub [Libgen] ... Links for download ...
5. Library Genesis maintains file download links provided by the following Websites:
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⇐ Search Options on Library Genesis
2022-07-26, 1522🔥, 0💬
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