Library Genesis Data Object - Editions


What is "Editions" as a Library Genesis Data Objects?



"Editions" is a data object used in Library Genesis to record editions of publications, like the Second Edition of a book.

"Editions" has the following main fields:

  • e_id - Internal object ID of this published edition.
  • title - The title of this published edition.
  • type - The type of this published edition, b for book.
  • series_name - The series name, if this published edition is part of a series.
  • libgen_topic - Code of the topic name of this published edition. l, c, m, a, s, f, r corresponding libgen, comics, magazines, articles, standards, fiction, rus (fiction).
  • author - The author(s) of this published edition.
  • publisher - The publisher of this published edition.
  • edition - The edition number of this published edition.
  • year - The year when this edition was published.
  • month - The month when this edition was published.
  • day - The day when this edition was published.
  • issue_s_id - The internal ID of the related "series" object.
  • doi - The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assigned to this published edition.
  • files - Links to "Files" objects.

Here is an example of an "Editions" object in JSON format:

"e_id": "137850404",
"title": "LINUX: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide!",
"libgen_topic": "l",
"type": "b",
"series_name": "",
"author": "Johansen, Andrew",
"publisher": "",
"edition": "",
"year": "2015",
"month": "",
"day": "",
"issue_s_id": "0",
"doi": "",
"files": {
  "92527662": {
    "f_id": "93082643"


Library Genesis Data Object - Works

Library Genesis Data Object - Files

Library Genesis Data Objects

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