Connect Router to Internet


How to connect and configure a router to the Internet?



There are 3 ways to physically connect your router to the Internet, depending on what type of service you are getting from your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

1. Ethernet Broadband Service - If you are getting an Ethernet Broadband service from your ISP, connect the Ethernet cable provided by your ISP to the first WAN socket (WAN1) on your router.

2. Fiber Access Service - If you are getting a Fiber Access service from your ISP, put a cable to the Fiber Access receiver provided by your ISP. Then connect the cable to the first WAN socket (WAN1) on your router.

3. DSL/Cable Modem Service - If you are getting a DSL/Cable Modem service from your ISP, put a cable to the DSL/Cable Modem provided by your ISP. Then connect the cable to the first WAN socket (WAN1) on your router.

Once your router is physically connected to your ISP hardware, you should open the router's Web portal as described in the last tutorial.

Click to open Internet or WAN configuration setting page.

Select one of the following connection types depending on the service level you are getting from your ISP.

1. PPPoE Dial Up - If you are getting a PPPoE Dial Up service from your ISP, you need to enter the user name and password provided by your ISP.

2. Dynamic IP - If you are getting a Dynamic IP service from your ISP, you don't need to enter any other information.

3. Static IP - If you are getting a Static IP service from your ISP, you need to enter the following given by your ISP.

Your IP Address:
Gateway IP:
Subnet Mask:

After this is done, your router should be connected to the Internet now.


Connect Router to Multiple ISPs

Router Web Portal -

WiFi/Modem Router Configuration

⇑⇑ Internet Connection - Frequently Asked Questions

2022-05-05, 648🔥, 0💬