File Locations of Microsoft Office on Local PC


Where are Microsoft Office files are located on my local Windows PC? I just installed it from



If you have installed Microsoft Office from, you can find Office product files at two locations:

1. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office", which containes:

 Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office

     4,952,955 AppXManifest.xml
           281 FileSystemMetadata.xml
<DIR>          Office14
<DIR>          Office16
<DIR>          PackageManifests
<DIR>          root
<DIR>          Updates

2. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office", which containes:

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15

<DIR>          ClientX64

This tells us that Office16 32-bit products are installed. And some Office15 64-bit components are used.

Here is a list of executable programs provided by Office16:

 Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16

     3,758,768 ACCICONS.EXE
        44,632 AppSharingHookController.exe
       410,192 CLVIEW.EXE
       185,432 CNFNOT32.EXE
    43,463,448 EXCEL.EXE
    34,710,104 excelcnv.exe
     4,409,632 GRAPH.EXE
    23,800,400 lync.exe
       737,560 lync99.exe
     9,738,840 lynchtmlconv.exe
     1,037,488 misc.exe
    16,449,304 MSACCESS.EXE
     1,348,176 msoadfsb.exe
       206,936 msoasb.exe
        49,744 msoev.exe
       297,248 MSOHTMED.EXE
     2,421,536 msoia.exe
       219,936 MSOSREC.EXE
       485,672 MSOSYNC.EXE
        49,936 msotd.exe
       498,464 MSOUC.EXE
    11,909,952 MSPUB.EXE
       725,584 MSQRY32.EXE
     1,526,352 OcPubMgr.exe
     1,527,568 officebackgroundtaskhandler.exe
        95,040 OLCFG.EXE
       574,544 ORGCHART.EXE
    29,945,616 OUTLOOK.EXE
    10,774,816 PDFREFLOW.EXE
       627,496 PerfBoost.exe
     1,889,368 POWERPNT.EXE
     3,520,176 PPTICO.EXE
     4,083,488 protocolhandler.exe
        86,096 SCANPST.EXE
     1,321,280 SELFCERT.EXE
        68,880 SETLANG.EXE
     1,109,784 UcMapi.exe
       414,520 VPREVIEW.EXE
     1,966,352 WINWORD.EXE
        37,136 Wordconv.exe
     3,026,096 WORDICON.EXE
     3,696,304 XLICONS.EXE


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