Verify Flash Player in Google Chrome 56 on Windows 7


How do I know if Flash Player is supported on Google Chrome 56 on my Windows 7 computer?



If you running Google Chrome 56 on a Windows 7 computer, you can follow these steps to verify if Flash Player is supported or not:

1. Run Google Chrome and go to the Adobe Flash Player test page:

2. If Flash Player is supported by your Chrome browser, you will see a "Version Information" box displayed in the middle of the test page as shown below:

Google Chome 56 - Flash Player Enabled
Google Chome 56 - Flash Player Enabled

3. If Flash Player is not supported by your Chrome browser, you will see a missing plugin icon in the middle of the test page as shown below:

Google Chome 56 - Flash Player Disabled
Google Chome 56 - Flash Player Disabled

To enable your Chrome browser to support Flash Player, you just need to turn on the Flash Player plugin.


Enable Flash Player in Google Chrome 56 on Windows 7

Flash Player for Google Chrome

Flash Player for Google Chrome

⇑⇑ Flash Player - Frequently Asked Questions

2017-05-05, 1865🔥, 0💬