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Files Stored inside PowerPoint 2007 .pptx Files
What files are stored inside a PowerPoint 2007 .pptx file? According to Microsoft documentation, a .pptx file is a ZIP containing many XML files. How many files are stored inside a .pptx file?
The number of files stored inside a .pptx file is based on the number of slides created in the .pptx file. For example, listed below are all files stored inside a .pptx file with 6 slides:
.\ppt 3,652 presentation.xml 287 presProps.xml <DIR> slideLayouts <DIR> slideMasters <DIR> slides 182 tableStyles.xml <DIR> theme 860 viewProps.xml <DIR> _rels .\ppt\slideLayouts 4,418 slideLayout1.xml 3,082 slideLayout10.xml 3,306 slideLayout11.xml 3,027 slideLayout2.xml 4,502 slideLayout3.xml 4,773 slideLayout4.xml 7,284 slideLayout5.xml 2,294 slideLayout6.xml 1,956 slideLayout7.xml 4,863 slideLayout8.xml 4,796 slideLayout9.xml .\ppt\slideLayouts\_rels 311 slideLayout1.xml.rels 311 slideLayout10.xml.rels 311 slideLayout11.xml.rels 311 slideLayout2.xml.rels 311 slideLayout3.xml.rels 311 slideLayout4.xml.rels 311 slideLayout5.xml.rels 311 slideLayout6.xml.rels 311 slideLayout7.xml.rels 311 slideLayout8.xml.rels 311 slideLayout9.xml.rels .\ppt\slideMasters 15,165 slideMaster1.xml .\ppt\slideMasters\_rels 1,991 slideMaster1.xml.rels .\ppt\slides 1,513 slide1.xml 1,829 slide2.xml 1,126 slide3.xml 1,131 slide4.xml 1,136 slide5.xml 1,128 slide6.xml .\ppt\slides\_rels 311 slide1.xml.rels 311 slide2.xml.rels 311 slide3.xml.rels 311 slide4.xml.rels 311 slide5.xml.rels 311 slide6.xml.rels .\ppt\theme 7,004 theme1.xml .\ppt\_rels 1,643 presentation.xml.rels
⇒ Converting a PowerPoint 2007 File into Web Pages
⇐ What Are Different File Types Used by PowerPoint 2007
2016-10-02, 2996🔥, 0💬
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