json.php API - Get "series" Objects


How to get "series" objects with Library Genesis API?

✍: FYIcenter.com


Here are some examples on how to get "series" objects with Library Genesis API.

Get the "series" object with s_id=1 in pretty JSON format. It's a set of journal articles.

fyicenter$ curl 'https://libgen.lc/json.php?object=s&ids=1' | python -m json.tool

  "1": {
    "add_info": "",
    "commentary": "",
    "date_end": "0000-00-00",
    "date_start": "0000-00-00",
    "editable": "1",
    "editions": {
        "140684616": {
            "doi": "10.1038/s41586-021-04286-5",
            "title": "Star formation near the Sun is driven by expansion of the Local Bubble"
        "140684625": {
            "doi": "10.1038/s41586-021-04001-4",
            "title": "A neuroanatomical basis for electroacupuncture to drive the vagal\u2013adrenal axis"
        "141516387": {
            "doi": "",
            "title": "Bullenkl\u00f6ten"
        "32149880": {
            "doi": "10.2307/25311766",
            "title": "Front Matter"
        "32149881": {
            "doi": "10.2307/25311767",
            "title": "How versus Why"
        "32149882": {
            "doi": "10.2307/25311768",
            "title": "One Hour's Sleep: Three Dreams"
    "libgen_topic": "a",
    "publisher": "JSTOR",
    "time_added": "2021-02-23 19:22:02",
    "time_last_modified": "2021-08-10 15:48:04",
    "title": "2913",
    "type": "j",
    "visible": "",
    "volume": "",
    "volume_name": "",
    "volume_type": ""


json.php API - Get "authors" Objects

json.php API - Get "editions" Objects By DOIs

Library Genesis API

⇑⇑ LibGen (Library Genesis) - Frequently Asked Questions

2022-09-12, 545🔥, 0💬