<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > >>   ∑:398  Sort:Rank

Data Structure - List
What is data structure "List"? List is a special vector whose members are all lists. 1. Create a list object with the list() function - &gt; w = list( c(1,2,3), c("Apple", "Banana", "Orange")) &gt; w [[1]] [1] 1 2 3 [[2]] [1] "Apple" "Banana" "Orange" &gt; is.list(w) [1] TRUE &gt; is...
2023-06-11, 354🔥, 0💬

Basic Data Types
What are primary Data Types? There are 5 primary data types supported in R. 1. Character - Character data type represents a sequence of characters as shown below: &gt; s = "Hello World!" &gt; print(s) [1] "Hello World!" &gt; is.character(s) [1] TRUE &gt; typeof(s) [1] "character" 2. ...
2023-06-11, 340🔥, 0💬

Data Structure - Factor
What is a Factor? A factor is a data structure that stores a vector and its distinct values as categories. 1. Create a factor object with the factor() function - &gt; f = factor( c("Bike", "Car", "Truck", "Car", "Bike", "Truck") ) &gt; f [1] Bike Car Truck Car Bike Truck Levels: Bike Car Tru...
2023-05-31, 382🔥, 0💬

Data Structure - Matrix
What is a Matrix? Matrix is an extension of vector into 2 dimensions 1. Create a matrix object with the matrix() function - &gt; m = matrix(1:20, nrow=5,ncol=4) &gt; m [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 1 6 11 16 [2,] 2 7 12 17 [3,] 3 8 13 18 [4,] 4 9 14 19 [5,] 5 10 15 20 &gt; typeof(m) [1] "inte...
2023-05-31, 352🔥, 0💬

Data Frame Example - "cars"
What is the Data Frame Example, "cars"? "cars" is a built-in data frame example in R environment. "cars" has two columns: "speed" and "dist". Each row records an instance of the stopping distance of a car driving at a given speed. Note that the data were recorded in the 1920s. 1. Basic info on "cars...
2023-05-31, 350🔥, 0💬

Data Structure - Data Frame
What is a Data Frame? Data Frame is a generalization of matrix where columns may have different data types. Technically, a data frame is a special list. 1. Create a factor object with the data.frame() function - &gt; name = c("Lori", "Mike", "Nill", "Sofi") &gt; sex = factor( c("F", "M", "M"...
2023-05-31, 345🔥, 0💬

Get Help in R Environment
How to get help in R environment? You can use the help() function to get help in R environment. 1. Get help on the help() function: &gt; help(help) help is the primary interface to the help systems. Usage help(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), try.all.package...
2023-05-31, 335🔥, 0💬

The R Graphics Package
What is The R Graphics Package? The R Graphics Package is built-in "graphics" package in the R environment. It provides functions for "base" graphics, which are traditional S-like graphics, as opposed to the more recent grid graphics. Here is a list of all functions provided in "graphics 4.0.5" rele...
2023-05-09, 370🔥, 0💬

barplot() on Numeric Vector
How to use the barplot() function on a numeric vector? barplot() function is provided in the built-in "graphics" package. You don't need to install any external packages to use barplot(). If you have a numeric vector, you can visualize it as a bar chart with the barplot() function. Call barplot() wi...
2023-05-09, 341🔥, 0💬

What Is plot() Function
How to use the plot() function to generate graphics? plot() function allows you to generate a graph representing a given sequence of x-y points. plot() function is provided in the built-in "graphics" package. plot() function takes the following positional arguments: p1 - x-coordinates of points. p1 ...
2023-05-09, 337🔥, 0💬

Built-in Graphics Package in R Environment
Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on the Built-in Graphics Package in R Environment? Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on the Built-in Graphics Package in R Environment: The R Graphics Package barplot() on Numeric Vector W...
2023-05-09, 329🔥, 0💬

Change Display Name of Your Profile
How to change the display name of my profile on LinkedIn? If you want to change your display of your LinkedIn profile, you can follow these steps: 1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account. 2. Click the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage to open the profile menu. 3. Click "View Profile" in the...
2023-03-28, 556🔥, 0💬

View Your Public Profile on LinkedIn
How to view my public profile on LinkedIn? After you have made some updates on your profile, you may want to check how your profile is displayed to the public on LinkedIn. 1. Log out from your LinkedIn account. 2. Go to LinkedIn Website . 3. Click "People" from the top menu. You see the "People" sea...
2023-03-28, 537🔥, 0💬

Find Friend and Send Connect Request
How to find a friend on LinkedIn and send a connect request? You can find your friends by their names, employers or schools on LinkedIn and send connect requests to them as shown below: 1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account and go to the home page of your account. 2. Enter a keyword in the search box ...
2023-03-28, 438🔥, 0💬

Use LinkedIn App on Phone
How to use LinkedIn app on my phone? To stay connected with your friends on LinkedIn, you should install and use LinkedIn on your cell phone. 1. On your phone, go to Apple Store or Google Play to search for the "LinkedIn" app. 2. Tap on "Install" on the "LinkedIn" app to download and install it on y...
2023-03-28, 436🔥, 0💬

Promoting Yourself on LinkedIn
Where to find tutorials on Promoting Yourself on LinkedIn. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Promoting Yourself on LinkedIn. Find Friend and Send Connect Request Write a New Post on LinkedIn Follow People and Companies Join Groups...
2023-03-28, 422🔥, 0💬

Write a New Post on LinkedIn
How to write a new post on LinkedIn? Writing a new post on LinkedIn is simple and easy. We can do it with LinkedIn app on your phone, or Web browser on your computer. 1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account and go to the account home. You see a post input box near the top of the page. 2. Click the input...
2023-03-28, 367🔥, 0💬

plot() on Data Frame
How to use the plot() function on a data frame? If you have a data frame with 2 columns, you can pass the data frame as the first argument to the plot() function to visualize the data. Call plot() with the example data frame, "cars": &gt; dim(cars) [1] 50 2 &gt; plot(cars) The following grap...
2023-03-17, 374🔥, 0💬

Build Graph Manually
How to build a graph manually using the built-in graphics package? You can build a graph manually using low level functions provided in built-in graphics package as show below: &gt; # get a sample of x-y coordinates &gt; sample = stats::lowess(cars) &gt; sample $x [1] 4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 1...
2023-03-17, 372🔥, 0💬

plot() on Function
How to use the plot() function on a function? If you have a known function with a single independent variable, you can pass the data frame as the first argument followed by a starting value and an ending value to the plot function to visualize the function. Call plot() with the sin() function: &...
2023-03-17, 367🔥, 0💬

SVG "preserveAspectRatio" Attribute
How to use SVG "preserveAspectRatio" attribute to control aspect ratio? If you want to control the aspect ratio in the Viewbox-Viewport mapping, you set the SVG "preserveAspectRatio" attribute to different values: &lt;svg preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" .../&gt; - The default value. Resp...
2023-02-03, 628🔥, 0💬

What Is the Default SVG Viewport
What Is the Default SVG Viewport? The "width" and "height" attributes in the "svg" element are optional. If them are not specified, the default Viewport will be calculated based on the enclosing area provided by hosting HTML element. More precisely, if "width" is specified, and "height" is not speci...
2023-02-03, 417🔥, 0💬

What Is the Default SVG Viewbox
What Is the Default SVG Viewbox? The "viewBox" attribute in the "svg" element is optional. If it is not specified, the default Viewbox will be the same as the Viewport. Here is a HTML document, viewbox-default.html, that has a SVG image with the default viewbox: &lt;html&gt;&lt;bo dy&...
2023-02-03, 383🔥, 0💬

What Are Nested SVG Canvases
What Are Nested SVG Canvases? Nested SVG Canvases are two canvases with one nested inside the other. Remember that a SVG canvas is represented by a "svg" XML element. So the following XML document represents two nested SVG canvases: &lt;svg id="outer"&gt; &lt;!-- objects on the outer can...
2023-02-03, 363🔥, 0💬

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