Repeat Header and Footer in Microsoft Word


How headers and footers are repeated in Microsoft Word? Why I see some headers and footers are repeated on some pages and not repeated on some other pages?



The repeating pattern of headers and footers in Microsoft Word follows these rules:

  • A document can be divided into multiple sections with Section Breaks.
  • Headers and footers are controlled independently in each section.
  • Headers and footers are controlled independently on the first page of a section.
  • Headers and footers are controlled independently on odd pages and even pages of a section.
  • Headers and footers are repeated on all odd pages of a section.
  • Headers and footers are repeated on all even pages of a section.

So you will see headers and footers repeated on odd pages of a section, and not continued in other sections.

This repeating pattern also effects on how you insert, remove or edit headers and footer. So when you remove the header on an odd page, it only removes the header from all odd pages in this section.


Remove All Headers and Footers in Microsoft Word

Add Page Number in Footer in Microsoft Word

Using Headers/Footers in Microsoft Word

⇑⇑ MS Word - Frequently Asked Questions

2016-06-25, 5346🔥, 0💬