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What is HDR on iPhone/iPad Camera
What is HDR on iPhone/iPad Camera? How to use it properly?
✍: FYIcenter
HDR is the short hand for High Dynamic Range, which allows the camera to take 3 exposures when you take a picture: 1 with normal exposure, 1 with under exposure and 1 with over exposure.
The photo app will process all 3 versions and produce the final HDR version.
By default, the HDR function is turned off. You can tap it to turn it on before take a picture.
When HDR is turned, you will get 2 pictures saved be default: the normal exposure version and the HDR version. You can compare them and decide which one is better and keep only one.
Or you can go to "Settings > Photos" and turn off "Keep Normal Photo".
In general, HDR version is better on still objects
2015-08-25, 1747🔥, 0💬
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