Install IPython Kernel in Conda Environment


How to install IPython Kernel in a Conda environment?



IPython Kernel is a component of the IPython package. If you have IPython installed, IPython Kernel is ready to use.

But you also install IPython Kernel as a standalone package in a Conda environment, so you can use it to server IPython clients. Here is how to do it.

1. Activate the Conda environment where you want to install IPython.

fyicenter$ conda activate center

(center) fyicenter$ python --version
  Python 3.9.6

2. Install IPython Kernel in the activated Conda environment.

(center) fyicenter$ conda install ipykernel

3. Verify IPython Kernel installation.

(center) fyicenter$ python
Python 3.9.6
[GCC 7.5.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux

>>> import ipykernel
>>> ipykernel.1.01

>>> exit()

4. Start IPython Kernel and wait for IPython clients.

(faq) fyicenter$ python -m ipykernel
NOTE: When using the `ipython kernel` entry point, Ctrl-C will not work.

To exit, you will have to explicitly quit this process, by either sending
"quit" from a client, or using Ctrl-\ in UNIX-like environments.

To connect another client to this kernel, use:
    --existing kernel-3927894.json

5. To shutdown IPython Kernel, you can press Ctrl-\.

(faq) fyicenter$

By the way, it's better to install entire IPython package, instead of IPython Kernel only. Starting IPython Kernel with the "ipython" command is easy:

(faq) fyicenter$ ipython kernel
NOTE: When using the `ipython kernel` entry point, Ctrl-C will not work.

To exit, you will have to explicitly quit this process, by either sending
"quit" from a client, or using Ctrl-\ in UNIX-like environments.

To connect another client to this kernel, use:
    --existing kernel-3927894.json


Make IPython Kernel Available for Jupyter

Install IPython in Conda Environment

Installing IPython as Jupyter Kernel

⇑⇑ Jupyter - Frequently Asked Questions

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