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SAS PLOT Procedure
What is the SAS PLOT Procedure?
PLOT Procedure generates a character-based plot with a given pair of two variables.
Here is a simple example of a PLOT Procedure:
DATA Sample; Weight = 0; DO Id = 1 to 6; Weight = RAND('UNIFORM', 60, 90); OUTPUT; END; PROC PLOT DATA=Sample; /* "Sample" specifies the data set to use */ PLOT Weight*Id='*' /* Specifies vertical/horizontal variables */ / VPOS=15 HPOS=60; /* Specifies vertical/horizontal size of the plot */
If you run the above SAS program, you will get the following plot in the results:
Plot of Weight*Id. Symbol used is '*'. Weight | 90 + * | * | 80 + | | 70 + | * * * | * 60 + --+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+--- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Id
2021-06-19, 1964🔥, 0💬
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