SAS MEANS Procedure


What is the SAS MEANS Procedure?



MEANS Procedure performs a simple statistic task on one or more variables/columns in a given data set. MEANS Procedure calculates and prints 4 statistic values: Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum and Maximum.

Here is a simple example of a MEANS Procedure:

DATA Sample;
  Weight = 0;
  DO Id = 1 to 6;
    Weight = RAND('UNIFORM', 60, 90);

PROC MEANS DATA=Sample; /* "Sample" specifies the data set to use */
  VAR Weight; /* "Weight" specifies column to be analyzed */

If you run the above SAS program, you will get the following table in the results:

                 MEANS PROCEDURE

                 Variable: Weight
N  Mean        Std. Deviation  Minimum     Maximum
6  75.9597368  9.8799390        62.2546595  88.8529917


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2021-06-19, 2147🔥, 0💬