Download and Install OpenOffice on macOS


How to Download and Install Apache OpenOffice on macOS computers?



If you want to download the latest Apache OpenOffice release for your macOS computer, you can follow this toturial.

1. go to the OpenOffice download Website.

2. Select "OS X > English > 4.1.7" and click "Download full installation". The download will be started automatically from the website.

3. If the download failed to start, Click the "Download" button on the page.

4. Wait until the download to finish. The downloaded file, Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg, will be stored in your ~/Downloads folder.

5. Double click on the downloaded file, Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg, to open it.

6. Click and drag the "OpenOffice" icon to the "Applications" icon to install it.

OpenOffice 4.1.7 is installed in /Applications/OpenOffice and ready to use.

Download and Install OpenOffice on macOS


⇒ Starting OpenOffice on macOS

⇐ Starting OpenOffice on Windows

⇑ Getting Started with Apache OpenOffice

⇑⇑ OpenOffice Tutorials

2020-11-11, 865🔥, 0💬