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Commands of FTP Command-Line Tool on Windows
What commands can I run interactively with the FTP command-line tool on Windows?
Once you started the FTP command-line tool on Windows, you can run the following commands at the ftp> prompt:
! Escape to the shell ? Print local help information append Append to a file ascii Set ascii transfer type bell Beep when command completed binary Set binary transfer type bye Terminate ftp session and exit cd Change remote working directory close Terminate ftp session debug Toggle debugging mode delete Delete remote file dir List contents of remote directory disconnect Terminate ftp session get Receive file glob Toggle metacharacter expansion of local file hash Toggle printing `#' for each buffer transfer help Print local help information lcd Change local working directory literal Send arbitrary ftp command ls List contents of remote directory mdelete Delete multiple files mdir List contents of multiple remote directories mget Get multiple files mkdir Make directory on the remote machine mls List contents of multiple remote directories mput Send multiple files open Connect to remote ftp prompt Force interactive prompting on multiple comma put Send one file pwd Print working directory on remote machine quit Terminate ftp session and exit quote Send arbitrary ftp command recv Receive file remotehelp Get help from remote server rename Rename file rmdir Remove directory on the remote machine send Send one file status Show current status trace Toggle packet tracing type Set file transfer type user Send new user information verbose Toggle verbose mode
⇒ Start of FTP Command-Line Tool on Windows
⇐ Syntax of FTP Command-Line Tool on Windows
2016-12-18, 1550🔥, 0💬
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