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Generate Log Report for Given Date Ranges
How to Generate Log Report for Given Date Ranges with GoAccess?
GoAccess does not have any functionality to limit Log Report for Given Date Ranges.
To Generate Log Report for Given Date Ranges, you need to filter out log files with other command line tools, like "grep" and "sed". Here are some examples:
1. Generate Log Report for the last month:
$ date '+\/%b\/%Y' -d '1 month ago' \/Nov\/2022 grep $(date '+\/%b\/%Y' -d '1 month ago') access_log | goaccess -o log-report.html -
2. Generate Log Report for last 7 days:
$ date '+%d\/%b\/%Y' -d '1 week ago' 04\/Nov\/2022 sed -n '/'$(date '+%d\/%b\/%Y' -d '1 week ago')'/,$ p' access_log | goaccess -o log-report.html -
3. Generate Log Report for a given date range:
sed -n '/5\/Nov\/2022/,/5\/Dec\/2022/ p' access_log | goaccess -o log-report.html -
2022-12-12, 488🔥, 0💬
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