Generate JSON Report from Apache Log File


How to Generate JSON Report from Apache Log File?



If you want to Generate JSON Reports from an Apache Web server log file, you can follow these steps:

1. Set the output file with a .json extension:

fyicenter$ goaccess access_log -o report.json

fyicenter$ python -m json.tool report.json | more 
    "general": {
        "start_date": "06/12\u6708/2022",
        "end_date": "10/12\u6708/2022",
        "date_time": "2022-12-10 11:12:32 +0800",
        "total_requests": 200,
        "valid_requests": 200,
        "failed_requests": 0,
        "generation_time": 1,
        "unique_visitors": 14,
        "unique_files": 33,
        "excluded_hits": 0,
        "unique_referrers": 0,
        "unique_not_found": 3,
        "unique_static_files": 17,
        "log_size": 45745,
        "bandwidth": 9399393,
        "log_path": [
    "visitors": {
        "metadata": {
            "bytes": {
                "total": {


Persist Processed Log Data to File

Generate CSV Report from Apache Log File

Customizing GoAccess

⇑⇑ GoAccess - Frequently Asked Questions

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