qBittorrent-nox Running Settings


What are the qBittorrent-nox Running Settings?

✍: FYIcenter.com


When you run qBittorrent-nox, it assumes the following settings:

1. Web UI Port - Default is 8080. You can change it with a command option, for example: "--webui-port=8888"

2. Save Path - Default is ~/Downloads. All downloaded files and temporary files are stored there. But you can change it when you add a new Torrent on the Web UI.

3. Log Files - The log file is located in the ~/.local/share directory.

fyicenter$ ls -lt ./.local/share/data/qBittorrent/logs

-rw-------. 1 fyicenter fyicenter  2234 Jan 2 16:35 qbittorrent.log
-rw-------. 1 fyicenter fyicenter 66701 Jan 1 13:42 qbittorrent.log.bak1
-rw-------. 1 fyicenter fyicenter 66681 Jan 1 05:31 qbittorrent.log.bak

4. Lock File - A lock file is created in the /var/tmp/ directory. This ensures that there is only 1 qBittorrent-nox process running per user.

fyicenter$ sudo ls -l  /var/tmp/qtsingleap*
srwx------. 1 fyicenter fyicenter 0 Jan 6 02:31 /var/tmp/qtsingleapp-q****-
-rw-r--r--. 1 fyicenter fyicenter 0 Jan 6 02:31 /var/tmp/qtsingleapp-q****-lockfile

5. Configuration Files - qBittorrent custom options are stored in the "~/.config/qBittorrent" directory.

fyicenter$ ls -l ~/.config/qBittorrent 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 fyicenter fyicenter 1425 Jan 6 10:55 qBittorrent.conf
-rw-rw-r--. 1 fyicenter fyicenter  190 Jan 6 10:50 qBittorrent-data.conf
drwxrwxr-x. 2 fyicenter fyicenter   44 Jan 6 10:49 rss

6. Cache and Share Directories - qBittorrent also uses Cache and Share Directories:

fyicenter$ ls -l ~/.cache/qBittorrent 

fyicenter$ ls -l ~/.local/share/qBittorrent


Messages in qBittorrent-nox Log File

Install qBittorrent-nox on CentOS

Using qBittorrent-nox on Linux

⇑⇑ BitTorrent - Frequently Asked Questions

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