What Is JupyterHub


What Is JupyterHub?

✍: FYIcenter.com


JupyterHub allows you to create a multi-user Hub that spawns, manages, and proxies multiple instances of the single-user Jupyter notebook server.

JupyterHub can offer notebook servers to a class of students, a corporate data science workgroup, a scientific research project, or a high-performance computing group.

There are 3 main actors make up JupyterHub:

  • Multi-user Hub (tornado process).
  • Configurable http proxy (node-http-proxy).
  • Multiple single-user Jupyter notebook servers (Python/Jupyter/tornado).

Roughly, this is JupyterHub works:

  • Hub launches a proxy.
  • The Proxy forwards all requests to Hub by default.
  • Hub handles login and spawns single-user servers on demand.
  • Hub configures proxy to forward URL prefixes to the single-user notebook servers.
  • JupyterHub also provides a REST API for administration of the Hub and its users.

The diagram below shows you the high level architecture of a JupyterHub system.

JupyterHub High Level Architecture
JupyterHub High Level Architecture

For more technical information, see JupyterHub Website.


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