What FTP Commands Require Data Connections


What FTP Commands Require Data Connections?

✍: FYIcenter.com


When you use your FTP client tool to interact with a FTP server, some interactions (or commands) use the control connection only. But some interactions (or commands) will require temporary data connections.

Here are some command examples of a typical FTP client tool that require data connections:

ftp> dir 
    Requires a data connection to get a list of files and subfolders

ftp> get readme.txt
    Requires a data connection to download a copy of the specified file.
ftp> put photo.jpg
    Requires a data connection to upload a copy of the specified file.

One advantage of using a temporary data connection instead of the control connection to download or upload files is to allow the client to create child thread to work on the file transfer. This frees up the main thread to continue to take new commands while the data transfer is still going on.


FTP Data Connection Modes: Passive or Active

FTP Control Connection and Data Connection

Understanding FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

⇑⇑ FTP - Frequently Asked Questions

2016-11-11, 1724🔥, 0💬