Claim Ownership of a Company Page


How to claim ownership of a company page on LinkedIn?



If the employee who used to maintain your company page left the company, you can claim it and transfer the ownership to you. Here is how to do it.

1. Sign in to your LinkedIn account.

2. Make sure you are linked to the company page as an "employee". This is done by matching the company name field on one of your work experience entry to the target company. See last tutorial for more details.

2. Make sure you are linked to the company page as an "employee". This is done by matching the company name field on one of your work experience entry to the target company. See last tutorial for more details.

3. Click the company logo next to work experience entry. You see the company page displayed with 2 button at the top right corner: "Delete page" and "Claim this page".

4. Click "Claim this page". You see a confirmation window.

5. Check the agreement box and click "Confirm".

You will become the administrator of the company page, if your claim is approved.

Claim a Company Page to Become the Admin
Claim a Company Page to Become the Admin


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